Thursday, September 23, 2010

TONIGHT: Ramada @ 9:oopm!

Don't Forget! I will be at Harley's Lounge/Ramada TONIGHT!!

Sparrow Tree will kick off the night with a full band performance.

I will be playing uke songs (sprinkled with a couple guitar tunes) with special guest Matt Bullock (Mary Mugford & The Oneder...? i think i'm funny.)

Troy Graham will wrap up the night with his solo tunezzz.

It's going to be rad in a robot kind of way (roborad?)
It's been a long time and I'm coming out of hiding to (hopefully) make you smile! See you there!

P.S. Are you a tweet? Follow MY Twitter! for special updates (or updates about random, nonsensical things.)


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Harley's Lounge/Ramada on 09.23!

Hi Friends!

It's been quite some time and I hope you all have been well. Fall is here and it's the season of change! I've been hiding out for a while and have written a new song on the uke titled "When We Turn". If you make your way to join me at the Ramada on the 23rd, you'll be able to hear it for the first time! yowy.

Ramada, September 23rd.

Sparrow Tree
Mary Mugford
Troy Graham

I will be accompanied by a musical guest who will make my songs sound much better. It will be neat and I believe your ears will like it. Your hearts might, too, if I'm really lucky.
